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Hear What Our 业务 Graduates Are Saying

B.S. 人力资源管理

"Having this education from Franklin has really allowed me to be the successful, professional I am today and without it, I would not be where I am today for sure."

B.S. 人力资源管理'20

“Receiving my degree is one of the happiest moments of my life, as it solidifies the hard work and time dedicated to achieving this throughout these years. I now look forward to the future and opportunities ahead of me.”

Oyauma G.

"I learned how to stand out and become the leader I knew I could be."

B.S. 工商管理'20

“I feel like I now have the tools to being successful in everything that I do.”

B.S. 工商管理'11

"Franklin taught me how to be a more effective leader. I learned I don't always have to be out in front and in charge to be a leader. Effective leaders identify the strengths of every person to advance the team."

B.S. 工商管理'21

"I'm excited to advance in my career and continue to make myself and my family proud."

工商管理硕士 20

“Earning this degree means having so much more confidence in myself! I am eternally grateful to my professors, classmates and my family for the support and guidance that has been given to me.”

B.S. 工商管理'21

"I am extremely proud of my academic accomplishment that I achieved while 全职工作."

B.S. 工商管理'21

“谢谢你, mg不朽情缘游戏网址 for providing me with the education to accomplish my goals and further my career!"

B.S. 工商管理'21

“专业, this accomplishment will prepare me for new adventures and challenges with better knowledge to excel in my field. 谢谢你们,mg不朽情缘游戏网址的教职员工."


"Franklin really has prepared me for my career and my future. Franklin taught me how to interact in the business community. The networking side of it really helped prepare me for the working world and beyond. 它使我成为一个全面发展的人. I really grew as an employee right before my employers eyes just because I was at Franklin."

B.S. 工商管理'20

“This accomplishment means everything to me. 做一个单身妈妈, 全职工作, and going to school definitely required a lot of faith, strength and dedication - but I did it!”

B.S. 人力资源管理'16

"It was important for me to feel supported during my education. The 3+1 transfer program exceeded by expectations."

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